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Originally, the two lines were named 'Corolle' and 'Huit'. The show of '90 models of his first collection on six mannequins' was presented in the salons of the company's headquarters at 30 Avenue Montaigne. On 12 February 1947, Christian Dior launched his first fashion collection for Spring–Summer 1947. 'Bar' suit, 1947, displayed in Moscow, 2011 Dior's creativity also negotiated him a good salary.

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Nevertheless, Dior was allowed a then-unusual great part in his namesake label (legal leadership, a non-controlling stake in the firm, and one-third of pretax profits) despite Boussac's reputation as a 'control freak'. The company was really a vanity project for Boussac and was a 'majorly owned affiliate of Boussac Saint-Freres S.A. Its capital was at FFr 6 million and workforce at 80 employees. The new couture house became a part of 'a vertically integrated textile business' already operated by Boussac. Boussac had originally invited Dior to design for Philippe et Gaston, but Dior refused, wishing to make a fresh start under his own name rather than reviving an old brand. Dior was financially backed by wealthy businessman Marcel Boussac. However, the current Dior corporation celebrates '1947' as the opening year. The House of Dior was established on 16 December 1946 at 30 Avenue Montaigne in Paris. 1.5 Dior without Christian Dior: 1957 through the 1970s.1.4 Expansion, and death of Christian Dior.

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